Five Things Friday 9/2/2022

How's Your Relationship With Technology?

...she writes as she notices that you’ll be reading this… on one of your devices. LOL!

But really, it’s not a joking matter. How we relate to and with our technology is an expression of how we relate to and with the mind… and THE MIND. You see, mind' is a non-local location. MIND is a co-creation of all the people with all their thoughts and all of their history and all of their fears and desires and imaginings. MIND exists in the layer of reality (or kosha, for my yogi/ni friends) called Akash or space.

Maddi suggests that you apply your strongest discipline in defining your technology boundaries. Your mental health is what is at stake. Without some self-directed and self-enforced boundaries, your technology will drive you to a state of uncontrollable distraction and this will bring you to the outer limits of your sanity, the outer limits of your health. Learn to watch yourself and observe your relationship with your technology.

Breathe Into Your Heart

As a yogi and somatic movement therapist, Richard knows how powerful breath is in any healing process. He recently started a new breath practice which he learned from Pam Gregory, the astrologer he follows on YouTube, and was amazed how impactful it is. The practice is quite simple actually, just focus your breath into your heart and allow your heart to radiate.

Richard noticed how people he encountered seemed to smile and their eyes beam with joy. Wow, so that's how you let your love light shine!

Try it for a few days and notice how people react. As the Beatles shared " All you need is love..." Well, here's a simple and powerful way to leave your positive impression. Please share this with others. We all need love more today than ever.

Harmonious Relationships Through Empathy

In Maddi’s advanced Gratitude Lab course, the current topic is Empathy. Developing empathy is a truly fundamental ingredient in good and happy relationships. Let’s face it, relationships are naturally challenging. Without empathy, how can 2 people ever find harmony? Without the ability to understand and have compassion for another, how can you hope to be in sync with them.

Imagine a world where people are not showing each other empathy. (Hint: you don’t have to work too hard for this, just read or listen to the news.) The world we are living in today is an example of what can happen when empathy and compassion are not valued, cultivated and practiced.

Go here to see a working definition of EMPATHY and an EMPATHY MAP that you can use to reflect on yourself.

How Do You Express Creativity?

Are you a writer, a painter or maybe you love to sew. All of these can bring out one's creativity. It doesn’t mean that you have to have published a book or sold a painting to be considered creative in those fields, but is it something that brings you pleasure and will maybe someday be seen by more than yourself or your family?

The act of trying something different brings out our creative juices. Trying new things is good for the mind so even if you don’t think you would be good at painting or writing just trying will give you more than what you might think! Pull out a blank sheet of paper or canvas and fill it with something.

How Present are You?

With the overwhelming worldwide pandemic we have been facing for two years now, the fear is higher than ever. Not only did we have a valid thing to be scared about, but the way it impacted our daily lives may have resulted in more anxiety than one would think.

Western medicine does not always educate others to recognize how disruptions in their routines can create various ailments which may be caused by anxiety, but it also increases it. See, this mind body connection truly does exist. Some of us lost daily activities, developed insomnia, engaged in poor eating habits, felt isolate and much more. If you find yourself more irritable and lethargic than normal, you are not alone.

Let's practice compassion for ourselves so that we can come back to the present moment. Humanitarian and spiritual master, Mohanji, has great videos giving guidance on how to overcome fear, and accept ourselves.


Five Things Friday 08/05/22