Five Things Friday 08/05/22
"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”
– C.S. Lewis
Weed Be Gone!
Richard is in charge of lawn maintenance around the house. August is the month when crabgrass takes over. As much as he is tempted to just buy some "Round up" or "Weed be-gone" he won't endanger himself or the Animals that frequently visit with something that is known to be so toxic.Debby mentioned a safe weed killer recipe that one of our readers shared. Vinegar, salt and dish soap. She said: "I filled a quart spray bottle with vinegar, added about a teaspoon of salt and a dash of soap. I sprayed a small area on my patio where weeds grow between the pavers. I checked a day later with a little progress, two days later a little more progress. I think this recipe might be a keeper." Well, he did check with her and Voila! It works!
Check the forecast before applying you don’t want the rain to wash away the concoction before it has time to work.
Yoga Outdoors
Debby was walking through the local park and spotted a young woman doing yoga. It looked like she was filming herself. She had the perfect light and her practice was beautiful. Yoga alone is a great practice for one's well being but the enhancement of having the sun and all that nature provides is such a bonus. Debby has been thinking that she should take her chair yoga class outdoors.
The Art Adventure Continues
Recently Meghan turned on a synthwave playlist via YouTube and dipped her fingers in the paint. She used a reference photo of Jupiter from NASA and decided to paint while going with the flow. It was very fun for her, regardless of how it came out! She has a lot more art ideas in store.
Leaving Your Family for Enlightenment?
Get ready, Maddi is studying Buddhism 8-) and here's another Buddhist thought that passed through her mind.
According to the story of Buddha, when he was 29 years old and right after the birth of his first child, Siddharta left his family in search of enlightenment. Gautama Buddha (a man of many names) left his princely life to become an ascetic and live a homeless life to pursue the state of enlightenment that he was fated for at birth, and that his father did all he could to ensure his son would avoid.
It’s a story of a man who left his newborn child, his young wife, and his privileged life as royalty to pursue truth and enlightenment through the territories of asceticism, austerity, and homelessness.
He survived all of that to achieve his goal and also the state of eternal life… look, we are still talking about him today.
Ever wonder how his wife and son feel about him?
Practicing Ahimsa
You were a moth
brushing against my cheek
in the dark
I killed you,
not knowing
you were only a moth,
with no sting.
Debby read this recently in a novel that she is reading. It made her think about one of the yoga principles ‘do no harm’. The moth was not going to harm, but the fear that was brought up by the moth touching in the dark moved one to kill that moth. This poem made her stop and think. How can one stay mindful of this principle? Does anyone reading this practice ‘non harming’? It seems like a simple thing but it takes a lot of thought and practice.